摘要: X的高级订阅者将能够阅读与Explore中的“ For You for You”标签上的每个趋势故事相关的X上帖子的摘要。
科技新闻:X采用Elon Musk的AI聊天机器人Grok提供个性化趋势故事摘要
X以前是Twitter,现在正在使用Elon Musk的AI聊天机器人Grok来为应用的探索部分提供个性化趋势故事摘要功能。根据X工程团队周五发布的公告和截图显示,X的高级订阅者将能够阅读与探索标签下的热门故事相关的X帖子摘要。
For You页面展示了X平台上被分享的热门新闻和故事,以及其他推荐内容。对于想要了解平台上正在讨论的内容而又不想花费大量时间滚动时间线的X用户来说,这是首要的停留地点。
例如,今天TechCrunch读者的For You页面可能包括关于苹果即将举行的iPad活动、微软的安全改进以及AI工程师的倦怠等故事。当您点击每个故事查看相关的X帖子时,故事摘要将出现在页面顶部,提供主题概述。
总之,Grok的Stories,即摘要,将总结For You页面上的所有热门新闻。
现在,Premium X订阅者可以使用xAI的聊天机器人Grok。通过高级和顶级Premium+计划,用户可以通过点击应用程序底部中间的按钮访问Grok。Grok是一种“叛逆”的AI,与CHAT GPT等其他AI聊天机器人的不同之处在于其独家和实时访问X数据。
科技记者Alex Kantrowitz周五在X上发表的一篇文章详细介绍了Elon Musk在X上推出AI新闻的进一步计划,这是基于与X所有者的电子邮件对话。
Journalists are already having to contend with AI news summaries in other areas as well, including from startups. For example, Arc’s new web browser includes an AI summary feature and former Twitter engineers are building an AI news summary service called Particle. How this will play out in terms of traffic to the news sites themselves remains to be seen. Kantrowitz believes that users may be interested in going “deeper into the source material once their curiosity is piqued,” he writes. But it’s also likely that at least some news sites will go out of business as page views drop due to AI summaries, leaving fewer sources for AI bots like Grok to summarize in the long run.
For that reason, some news publishers are doing deals with AI providers like OpenAI’s recently announced partnership with the FT. Others, such as Axel Springer, the AP, and Le Monde, have also announced similar moves. In X’s case, it’s able to get at the news by way of the conversation around it — and without having to partner to access the news content itself. That’s both clever and worrisome, the latter from a misinformation standpoint.
Grok’s Stories are rolling out to Premium X subscribers now. Access to Premium starts at $8 per month, if paying on the web and not through the app stores.