
宇航员在海洋中,合成波,t恤矢量,飞溅颜 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt astronaut in the ocean, synthwave, tshirt vector, splash color, night sky, contour, white background (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快...

具有组件、电容器、二极管和小风扇的千兆字 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a gigabyte computer motherboard with components, capacitors, diodes, and small fans. At the center is an highly advanced mini dys...

未来航天城,三体世界,霓虹灯,科幻小说, – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt Future space city, three-body world, neon, science fiction, space shuttle, visually stunning, with cosmic stars and rivers behind...

etverse风格,海报,超现实主义, – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt metaverse style, posters, surrealism, super details, realistic pictures, full of futuristic and technological sense 点击去复制 (...

特写,外科精确度,控制论心脏移植,明暗对 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt Close-up, Surgical precision, cybernetic heart transplant, chiaroscuro, biomorphic details:: a pulsating cybernetic heart, its in...

史诗般的超现实主义动作场景,蒸汽朋克超级 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt epic hyperrealistic action scene of a steampunk superhero, hero, magic cube world, detailed UHD, surreal vibes, by atelier olschi...

梅塔特隆的魔方作为一个无限的侧面骰子,抽 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt metatron’s cube as an infinite sided die, abstract, cosmic sci-fi 8k 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可...

未来主义的美丽时代摩天大楼,球茎状彩色玻 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt futuristic belle epoch skyscraper, bulbous, colorful glass, hyperrealistic moebius vibes 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去...

恒星,行星,月球,外太空,彩虹珠子,佛教 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt stars, planets, moons, outer space, rainbow beads, Buddhist influence, supernatural, magical glow, cyberpunk, scifi, future, meta...

动作镜头,运动模糊,一个大胆的小女孩,带 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt Action shot, motion blur, A bold little girl, Flying over New York with a jet pack, Mimicking the style of Wes Anderson, high det...
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