Run LLMs entirely in the browser with a simple headless React hook, useLLM().

热门头条1年前 (2023)发布 残剑@葫芦娃AI
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Run LLMs entirely in the browser with a simple headless React hook, useLLM().

Live demo:

react-llm/headless lets you customize everything from the system prompt to the user/assistant role names. It manages a WebGPU-powered background worker.

react-llm sets everything up for you — an off-the-main-thread worker that fetches the model from a CDN (HuggingFace), cross-compiles the WebAssembly components (like the tokenizer and model bindings), and manages the model state (attention kv cache, and more).

Everything runs clientside — the model is cached and inferenced in the browser. Conversations are stored in session storage.

Under the hood, it’s powered by Apache TVM Unity and MLC.


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