
由空灵的烟雾组成的莲花的特写镜头,光谱照 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt abstract close up of a lotus flower composed of ethereal smoke, spectral lighting ::5 Beautiful iridescent butterfly with vibrant...

一枝寂寞的白牡丹花,明亮的背景,模糊的城 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a long branch of lonely white peony flower, bright background, blurred city realistic, 8kar (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjour...

由Joseph Christian Le – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt dynamic manga oil painting poster by Joseph Christian Leyendecker & James Jean & Anders Zorn & Jeremy Mann & Alph...

这是一个有着白金金发的女人的真实照片 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a photorealistic image of a woman with platinum blonde hair, symbolizing the rebirth of a phoenix rising from the ashes. The warm...

一个非常迷人的女人调情和自信,意大利小村 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a very stunning woman flirty and confident, small italian village at night, street, romantic lighting (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快...

外星人夫妇模仿人类,以超现实主义元素 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt alien couple painted to mimic humans, in the style of surrealistic elements, folk art-inspired illustrations, cartoon-like figure...

印象派浓墨重彩的笔触画出的日落包括粉色 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt an impressionism thick brush stroked painting of sunset including pink orange red purple cumulonimbus clouds, photorealism, extre...

Erostika海报中东京的摇滚豆插图 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt illustration by rockin jelly bean in Tokio of Erostika Posters   (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可) Midjou...

漫威的黑猫,在热水浴缸里尽情享受 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt marvel’s Black Cat, luxuriating in a hot tub, surrounded by sparkling gems and jewels, her eyes twinkling mischievously, 8K (复...

极简主义杰作《无限的痕迹+细腻的纹理+灰度+抽象+笔触+艺术》 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt minimalism masterpiece, Trace in the infinity + fine gritty texture + greyscale + abstract + stark brushstrokes + art by Mission ...
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