
搜索Stable Diffusion、DALL-E、Midtravel或任何其他人工智能图像生成模型的最佳室内设计提示。这些提示通常包含诸如室内设计或客厅之类的单词。

放置在混凝土桌子上的经典黄色相机,风格为 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a classic yellow camera sitting on a concrete table, in the style of light purple and red, lensbaby velvet 56mm f/1.6, dark teal ...

迪士尼游戏室的电影快照,采用迪士尼艺术风 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a cinematic shot of Disney’s gaming room, in a Disney Artstyle, Disney ilustration, RGB gaming computer, RGB mouse, RGB keyboard,...

一个彩虹滑梯和彩虹的房间,洛可可风格的柔 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a room in the shape of rainbow slide and a rainbow, in the style of rococo pastel hues, playful machines, desertwave, commercial ...

一间小房间,有许多五颜六色的家具和滑梯, – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a small room with many colorful furniture and a slide, in the style of desertwave, dreamlike whimsy (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去...

某家具设计品牌手机网页APP的UI UX – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt ui ux interface for mobile web app of a forniture design brand   (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可) Midjou...

使用柔和的柔和调色板、静物摄影风格和极简 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt using a muted palette of soft pastels, still life photography style, and a minimalist composition, create an image of a smartphon...

客厅里摆放着一把以蒙德里安为灵感的扶手椅 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a living room with a Piet Mondrian-inspired armchair as the centerpiece. The armchair is geometric and colorful, with bold red, b...

家具设计,扶手椅,充气,内部荧光绿色,透 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt furniture design, armchair, inflatable, fluorescent green inside, transparent, concept product design, futuristic, modern, plain ...

玛格丽塔鸡尾酒,白色厨房。明亮而通风。食 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt margarita cocktail, White kitchen. Bright and airy. Food photography, product photography (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourne...

成套服装的大小与尺寸相适应,可回收。我永 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt ce kit dressing s’adapte aux dimensions de votre pièce grâce à ses barres de penderie, sa barre de rideau et à sa tablette recoup...
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