
霓虹灯迷乱猫,动感构图和戏剧性灯光,霓虹 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt neon mesmerizing chaos cat, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, neon purple, neon orange 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Promp...

一只有着奇怪头发和眼睛的抽象狼,风格像西 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt an abstract wolf with strange hair and eyes on it, in the style of cyril rolando, whimsical cats, hans zatzka, 3d, colorful pixel...

特写北极狐,极简主义单色服装 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt close-Up Arctic Fox, Minimalist monochrome outfits 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可) Midjourney Prom...

3D数据流矩阵母猫机器人肖像 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt 3d data stream matrix female cat robot portrait 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可) Midjourney Prompt ...

一张猫的肖像,轻快的,漂亮的,科幻的,非 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a cat portrait, airy, pin-up, sci-fi, very deitaled, realistic, fineart, line draw, vintage page dictionary 点击去复制 (复制或参...

液态甲烷海洋中的放射性水母,外星生命形式 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt radioactive jellyfish in a sea of liquid methane, extraterrestrial life forms, gorgeous photorealism, Mesmerizing artwork 点击去...

洛可可熔融透明,细腻熔化哑光透明半透明水 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt rococo molten transparency, delicate molten matt transparent translucent jelly fish , muscaria amanita mycelium Chinese lantern v...

精美的熊猫肖像,抽象的水彩水墨风格,灰阶 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt portrait of a fine panda,abstract watercolor ink style,grayscale with splashes that reveal vibrant colors, oil painting, beautifu...

一只狼坐在装饰设计上,风格是超现实主义科 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt a wolf sitting on a decorative design, in the style of hyper-realistic sci-fi, gothic grandeur, dark white and yellow, medieval-i...

浅色背景下的一只古老的边境牧羊犬的粉彩肖 – Midjourney Prompt

Midjourney Prompt pastel portrait of an old border collie against a light background 点击去复制 (复制或参考上述 Prompt,快去 Midjourney 生成即可)...
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