
Midjourney2年前 (2023)更新 残剑@葫芦娃AI
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MidJourney 无疑是目前市面上最优质的 AI 文字生成图像工具之一。我想大部分人可能已经能够在这个平台上创建一些简单的描述,并能生成一些相当不错的图像。然而若想用 MidJourney 创作出引人注目的艺术作品,您需要掌握本文中的小技巧!没错,真的有一些小技巧能让我们充分发挥MidJourney 的潜力从而创作出相当炫酷的艺术品!今天我就为大家分享一些MidJourney 提示的小技巧。
  • 纵横比设置
  • 艺术风格提示


1、生成正方形:–ar 1:1
Prompt: A mouse eating a piece of cheese, — ar 1:1 Midjourney 提示: A mouse eating a piece of cheese, — ar 1:1
2、生成竖版模式:–ar 2:3
Midjourney 提示:A pig walking around in New York City, — ar 2:3
Prompt: An old lady with red hat looking into the camera, — ar 3:2 An old lady with red hat looking into the camera — ar 3:2


1、双重曝光:Double exposure of…
Prompt: Double exposure of landscape and a sheep Prompt: Double exposure of landscape and a sheep
prompt:A beautiful woman, flowers and firework, double exposure
2、ASCII艺术图像:ASCII art
ASCII艺术一种主要依靠电脑ASCII字符来表达图像的艺术形式,在Midjourney 里输入这个提示就会为你生成ASCII风格的图像。
Prompt: A cat, ASCII art
Prompt: A zebra and a fox, ASCII art
2、拼贴风格:Patchwork Collage
Prompt: Patchwork collage of a tiger Prompt: Patchwork collage of a tiger
Prompt: Patchwork collage portrait of an Asian old man Prompt: Patchwork collage portrait of an Asian old man
3、欧普艺术:Op art
Prompt: Green eye, op art Prompt: Green eye, op art
4、等距动漫风格:32 bit isometric
Prompt: A gamer’s room with neon lightings, 32 bit isometric
5、90年代16位像素游戏风格:1990s point and click 16bit adventure game
Prompt: A tabby cat in the space, 1990s point and click 16bit adventure game, — ar 3:2
Prompt: An Asian woman with long hair, synthwave, — ar 1:1 Prompt: An Asian woman with long hair, synthwave, — ar 1:1
6、查理·哈珀风格:In the style of Charley Harper
Prompt: 2 cats snuggling with each other on the sofa, in the style of Charley Harper, — ar 2:3
7、等轴插画:Isometric illustration
Prompt: Isometric illustration of a car from 1920s Prompt: Isometric illustration of a car from 1920s
8、衍(yǎn)纸风格:Paper quilling
Prompt: Tiger with leaves and flowers, paper quilling Prompt: Tiger with leaves and flowers, paper quilling
Prompt: Duotone portrait of a laughing old man, purple and yellow, — ar 1:1
Prompt: Duotone portrait of a laughing old man, purple and yellow, — ar 1:1
8、示意图:Diagramatic drawing
Prompt: A old cell phone, diagramatic drawing Prompt: A old cell phone, diagramatic drawing
9、彩色玻璃窗:Stained glass window
Prompt: A stained glass window of a cat playing with a ball, — ar 2:3
10、水彩速写:Watercolor sketch
Prompt: A couple with a dog in watercolor sketch Prompt: A couple with a dog in watercolor sketch
11、幻彩虹膜:Phantasmal Iridescent
Prompt: Portrait of a smoking woman, phantasmal iridescent P
Prompt: A house, plasticine Prompt: A house, plasticine
Prompt: Prompt:??
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